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Author Topic: Article about Future Syndication  (Read 5768 times)


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Article about Future Syndication
« on: December 13, 2004, 10:29:18 PM »
Quoth Michael Davies,
Ken Jennings has been fantastic for the genre,” says Michael Davies, executive producer of Buena Vista's Who Wants To Be a Millionaire, one of the few shows to launch in the past three years that's still on air. But he admits the niche has always been a tough sell. “Game shows have been one of the least cool, least hot, most frowned-upon formats,” he says. That may explain why, even with Jennings' recent triumph, no one is developing new game shows.

The full article can be found at Broadcasting and Cable


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Article about Future Syndication
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2004, 12:33:43 AM »
I may catch some hell for this one, but I have to throw in my two cents on this one...

“Game shows have been one of the least cool, least hot, most frowned-upon formats...”

Sadly, this is the truth. However, I have this belief that there IS a game show audience out there...the powers that be (network or syndicated) are making no effort to find them. Sure, the court shows, trash celeb shows, and (albeit few) talk shows are catching on, but there is a reason why Wheel, Jeopardy, Millionaire, Feud, and H2 have had the impressive runs that they have had. Just something to ruminate on.

Also, game shows do not have the voyeuristic, lowbrow value that most other shows have. If is it not mean spirited or disparaging, it will not sell in today's market.

(Again, this is my opinion) The game show is not a dead market, nor is it as high risk as the syndicators want you to believe. If I am not mistaken, isn't a game show as cheap to produce as the next reality show? I bet there is someone out there in America that wants to see $ale of the Century tried once again in the U.S., or someone to catch TPiR in a time other than the 10am slot, or someone to see Pyramid tried once again (once the eyes are completely washed out after viewing the last version). Pipe dreams, I understand, but all it takes is one to make that convincing sale to someone like, say, King World or Fremantle (as long as the creative control is not raped from the creator).

All I am saying is that the oversaturation of done-to-death court shows, dating shows, and failed talk shows will catch up in the syndie world, and then the game show market will ripen once again.

Anyone who wishes to counter anything I said is more than welcome to do so.

The Inquisitive One
This is the Way.

Ian Wallis

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Article about Future Syndication
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2004, 09:18:08 AM »
Sadly, this is the truth. However, I have this belief that there IS a game show audience out there...the powers that be (network or syndicated) are making no effort to find them.

While I agree there is a game show audience out there, in recent years I've come to believe it's just too small to be a major force.  "Wheel", "Jeopardy" and "Price" have been major hits for a long time, but when you look at the other shows - "Feud" with its 2 rating, even "Millionaire" that seems to top out at around 3.5 (if I remember the figures correctly), there just doesn't seem to be enough of an audience.  "Squares" had a nice six-year run but their ratings tailed off a bit in the final two years.  This is probably another reason why GSN has gone in the direction they have - because there wasn't enough of an audience there to continue with 24/7 reruns from the '50s-80s.  

Being a game show fan, the truth hurts -- I know that pretty well all of us reading this wish it was different, but maybe we should face the truth.  That doesn't mean we'll never have another new hit, but it might be further along the line than we'd like to think.
For more information about Game Shows and TV Guide Magazine, click here:


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Article about Future Syndication
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2004, 09:18:49 AM »
[quote name=\'TheInquisitiveOne\' date=\'Dec 14 2004, 12:33 AM\']I may catch some hell for this one, but I have to throw in my two cents on this one...

(Again, this is my opinion) The game show is not a dead market, nor is it as high risk as the syndicators want you to believe. If I am not mistaken, isn't a game show as cheap to produce as the next reality show? I bet there is someone out there in America that wants to see $ale of the Century tried once again in the U.S., or someone to catch TPiR in a time other than the 10am slot, or someone to see Pyramid tried once again (once the eyes are completely washed out after viewing the last version). Pipe dreams, I understand, but all it takes is one to make that convincing sale to someone like, say, King World or Fremantle (as long as the creative control is not raped from the creator).


One little ripple of hope for the future syndie game show market: the inventor of the Scene It DVD game series was on the Today show this morning, and he's talking to people about doing Scene It up as a game show.


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Article about Future Syndication
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2004, 07:18:06 PM »
One little ripple of hope for the future syndie game show market: the inventor of the Scene It DVD game series was on the Today show this morning, and he's talking to people about doing Scene It up as a game show.

Uh, Zach? I believe this concept has been done before; as The Reel Game in 1971, and The Hollywood Game in 1992.

I may be wrong about the comparisons, but.....

Tammy Warner--the 'Cyndy Reynold of the Big Board!'
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"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know!"
   --Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers (1930 film)

Jimmy Owen

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Article about Future Syndication
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2004, 07:36:08 PM »
I'd like to see a revival of "The Movie Game."  The hope would be that it could become an "in" show for the studios and feature today's stars to promote new movies and answer questions about their favorite movies of the recent past.  No civilians, just celebs (so you don't get those awkward "Should I kiss Julia Roberts because we just got ten points" moments.)
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.

The Ol' Guy

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Article about Future Syndication
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2004, 07:45:15 PM »
and over the past several years, every time there's been a moderately successful board game, someone figures it'll translate into a great game show. Isn't Cranium in the works somewhere? Maybe someone can develop a workable format, but the big question still looms: is there a market for the finished pilot? Sell 450,000 copies of a board game, you'll have some eating money for a while. Tell a net or syndy rep you'll draw 450,000 viewers nationwide? Good luck selling that.....

The Pyramids

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Article about Future Syndication
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2004, 09:00:47 PM »
I agree with the optimists. In 1996 there was 'Wheel', 'J' and 'TPIR.' What have the last 8 years brought us?

Hollywood Squares
Dating Game
Newlywed Game
Match Game
Family Feud
Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Winning Lines
Street Smarts
The Weakest Link
Card Sharks
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (syn)
Let's Make a Deal
The Price Is Right 1M Spectacualr
Super Millionaire
Ken Jennings on 'Jeopardy'

Now I now there is a lot to be said about the quality and runs of these show. But I just don't buy either that this is a permanant downturn.


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Article about Future Syndication
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2004, 09:14:19 PM »
[quote name=\'PaulD\' date=\'Dec 14 2004, 09:00 PM\']I agree with the optimists. In 1996 there was 'Wheel', 'J' and 'TPIR.' What have the last 8 years brought us?

Hollywood Squares
Dating Game
Newlywed Game
Match Game
Family Feud
Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Winning Lines
Street Smarts
The Weakest Link
Card Sharks
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (syn)
Let's Make a Deal
The Price Is Right 1M Spectacualr
Super Millionaire
Ken Jennings on 'Jeopardy'


Add Pictionary, To Tell the Truth 2000, Sex Wars, and Powerball Instant Millionaire and Debt(a few stations aired reruns of Debt in 1998 to see if it would possibly fly in syndication) to the syndicated list of shows since 1996. If you want to include PAX as a network, you can add Reel to Reel, Supermarket Sweep, Shop Till You Drop, Hollywood Showdown(season one aired on PAX), Beat the Clock, On the Cover, and Balderdash to the list of shows. Add to the list of network shows Wheel 2000 and It's Your Chance of a Lifetime.

The Pyramids

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Article about Future Syndication
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2004, 09:36:19 PM »
Darn right. Also add the two 'Pepsi Play for A Billion' speacials and 'Studio 07' and 'Lingo' and 'Whammy' and 'Russian Roulette'.


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Article about Future Syndication
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2004, 09:38:30 PM »
[quote name=\'PaulD\' date=\'Dec 14 2004, 09:36 PM\']Darn right. Also add the two 'Pepsi Play for A Billion' speacials and 'Studio 07' and 'Lingo' and 'Whammy' and 'Russian Roulette'.

The last three are not on a major network of syndication, at least not yet. Maybe someday. Add to the PAX list: Dirty Rotten Cheater.